SEO Tips for Website
Today we talk about trending SEO technology; I believe that every step of seo should be easy or understandable for all. We have got the better tips to help you achieve your goals. In case you have not heard about SEO, SEO is marketing technology that is important for your business to be found online and may help attract more visitors to your website. In many situations your organic traffic means all the audiences that comes from search engines and that is not advertised, will be biggest source of visitors. Actually we know the SEO depth, and this is not easy topic to complete in short time. Being a SEO Master, we always suggest to beginners to learn basic about SEO then proceed for next level that will help you to catch seo faster.

1) Try SEO Tools
If you want to know about your website internal or external elements, actually you will have to use the few free or paid tools. Free tools can have limited services only but I recommend go with free tools which may help you find better source for seo. Here is name of free tools: Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools, Google Keyword Planner, Quick Sprout Website Analyzer, and SERPs Rank Checker.
2) Use long tail keywords
First of all you need to know about keywords that what keywords are. Maximum two to five words phrase that search by online visitors. For example, if you are the proud owner of a jewellery shop, you would want a searcher to enter the keyword ‘best jewellery shop’ and find your website. However, this may be too difficult as these shorter keywords generate millions of results, making them much more competitive. If you use short keywords for your website, your website may get lost from the Google’s results.
This is why you need to ‘go long keywords’. The better way to create long keywords for your business, use your location after the main phrase keywords. Example: if you stay in paris and running a cafe business then long keyword should be like this " cafe shop near paris town". This type of long and target keyword impact your visitors as well as your SEO.
3) Find the right domain
Actually domain is important and very sensitive for your website SEO; therefore choose a right domain for your online business that is not quite difficult. There are few things to keep in mind when taking the domain. First, you want to keep it as short and catchy but remember long keywords mostly work as your website keyword. Second, your business name or area location should be included on domain name if possible. Third, it’s a great idea to add your main keyword, if possible. This may increase your search results for your chosen word.
4) Write unique page titles & meta descriptions
As you know that website has so many external elements to work depth. Page title and Meta description is one of them. But if you want to get best SEO, you need to write unique page titles and Meta descriptions not only for your homepage but for each one of your website’s sections and pages.
5) Make a mobile friendly website
That is not necessary but We can’t ignore it, because the world is turning smartphone and 60% of searches are done via mobile, and this number is enough for all. If you want that visitors easily comes on your website and stay for long time then website should be mobile friendly.
6) Elaborate your Images
A website without images is like a mobile without the sim. It’s a fact; images enhance your website’s user experience. If you have lots of contents and images on your website that is really not enough for SEO. Actually neither Google nor other search engine does know about your uploaded images nor can see. This is why you need to add text on image to help them understand what’s on your photos, graphs and other pics. Adding these little textual descriptions will enable your images to be found on Google Image Search, which allows you to get even more traffic to your website.
7) Write unique content
The better idea to catch seo faster for your website, content is your first priority. Content is known to be one of the most important ranking signals when it comes to your website. Write content is not enough, few things you have to keep in mind. Content should be fresh (not copied), valuable and targetable.
8) Upload a sitemap
Sitemap, in simple terms a blueprint of your whole website. It shows how your different pages are connected to one another. Submit a sitemap to search engines so that they can crawl your website info more easily and quickly, which will improve your SEO. You can submit your sitemap to Google webmaster console or Bing webmaster console.
9) Create backlinks
Backlinks, Backlink is a source link of one website/blog gets from another website/blog. Backlinks make a high influence on a website’s performance in search engine results. So you need to get backlinks to your website. Basically, these are links from external sites to your own. Being the most powerful ranking signal, this one is the hardest to achieve. How to create Backlinks?
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